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What are Doctrines of Demons?


These are doctrines that focus on evil spirits. It may be chilling to know that these doctrines exist, but the truth is that they do. The spirits involved in this perform various miracles and device teachings designed to confuse believers. Doctrines are simply teachings that govern a particular body.  These teachings focus on religious asceticism and self-denial.


The Connection between UFOs Aliens and Demons are known to many. Most of these teachings forbid followers from marrying and can stop them from eating certain foods. By so doing, the people liable for this ascetic act believe they please a supreme power. The teachings also force formalism onto people. This brings out the godliness expressed by the followers, but in the hearts there is never any spiritual life.


The other instance of these doctrines is withdrawal from historic faith. Instead of embracing what other believers have held onto for a long time, influencers get people to subtract or add to what is in the holy word. The false Doctrines of Demons brought into people's lives destroy what they have believed in the past and what is written in the word of life.


If there is anything these doctrines are determined to accomplish, that has to do with eternal harm. They are also determined to destroy your spirituality and will use any possible means to achieve this. These doctrines are known for their power to downplay sin and the danger followed by this act. Do not be misled by some of these scriptures that communicate much about accomplishments but never condemn sin. Unfortunately, these are some of the scriptures most people want to hear.


Today, these doctrines have begun sweeping in churches deceiving so many unsuspecting people. They get into churches in a very innocent way, and finally erode the foundations laid. Those who spread these false teachings mix them with some truth, thereby making the whole heresy very hard to detect.


It is very interesting how some cultic movements have engaged in these practices, and later tried to make theological explanations about the same. These false scriptures are blatantly in contrast with the holy word. Some go to an extent of warning the followers not to fail to comply with the set laws else they will not be healed. They go ahead to tell the followers that if they did fail to follow the laws, they would be in jeopardy of losing salvation.


This kind of deception is real and present, but, unfortunately, those who follow these false teachings do not know it. However ridiculous some of the laws in these false teachings are, those in the spell cannot see that. Demonic Possession is real and Self Deliverance is a very difficult proposition. Sometimes the only way to go is to find a deliverance ministry. There are many folks who have been called to expel demons for deliverance of satanic occupancy in a human If you want to learn more, you must go to

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